Wefald Pavilion, Manhattan City Park, August 11, 2013
The members attending the MHSAA Summer Picnic enjoyed a beautiful bountiful pot luck feast, and many on-going and possible new projects for MHSAA were discussed during the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Manhattan High School Alumni Association.
MHSAA Wall of Fame Chairman Mike Buchanan filled his plate along with the other members and guests.MHSAA president Marlene (Moyer) Glasscock encouraged members to contribute to MHSAA by joining a committee.Tables inside the Wefald Pavilion were prepared by the members of the events committee. MHSAA provided table service and drinks along with the hot dogs, while members brought an array of side dishes, salads and desserts.Hot dogs were grilled by MHSAA Events Committee co-chairs Gail Eyestone and Becky Mosier.After activities which helped everyone better know their table neighbors, as a wide range of MHS graduation years was represented, the minutes of the 2012 meeting were read and the treasurer’s report was given. Both were approved by the membership. MHSAA committee chairmen were introduced and gave their reports for the year.The spacious and air-conditioned pavilion provided a comfortable place for members and guests to eat and to attend to the business of the Association after the meal.Music for the evening, provided by MHSAA member Johnny Cyrene, was a new addition for the 2013 picnic . Johnny, seated, is pictured with MHSAA vice president Terry Arthur.Linda Thomason won applause from everyone for signing up the most new MHSAA members during the2013/14 fall membership drive. Karl Kandt, membership committee chairman, right, awarded small prizes— Linda, center, is holding an MHSAA cap—to all who participated in the membership drive. Over 100 new members were added to the MHSAA membership! MHS alums who join MHSAA as annual members after September 1 get the remaining calendar year and the next year of membership.