The 2011 Annual General Meeting of the Manhattan High School Alumni Association was held on August 28 at the Wefald Pavilion in Manhattan City Park, in conjunction with the MHSAA summer picnic. At least 80 alums and their families filled the tables, representing many classes from MHS.. The picnic atmosphere was one of a great multi-class reunion. During the program, Jim Johns, ’41, was presented with his Golden Alum plaque and lifetime membership card. The main business of the meeting was the election of MHSAA Officers for 2012-2014. The Slate presented by the Nominating Committee was unanimously approved by the membership at the meeting. All officers, directors and committee chairs who are retiring from their positions were given a very warm thank-you round of applause. The new officers, who will assume their duties on January 1, 2012, are as follows.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015)Streaming Beauty and the Beast (2017)
PRESIDENT: Marlene (Moyer) Glasscock ’65
VICE-PRESIDENT: Terry Arthur ’62
SECRETARY: Linda (Hadley) Thomason ’67
TREASURER: Brenda (Gregory) Hoefler ’77
COMMUNICATIONS: Janet (Krider) Duncan ’58
EVENTS:Vickie (Stamper) Riniker ’78
Mike Buchanan ’78, Don Slater ’57
Pete Paukstelis ’88, Ethan Kloster ’96
Karl Kandt ’82, Traci Taylor ’ 78